Capital One Failure 2021-10-10
The Background Story
I have a Capital One Mastercard. Not bragging, just sayin'. About a year ago I got a SIM card and cell service from and paid for my service with Paypal. Then one day I got an email from them saying that Paypal was no longer an option and I had to give them a credit card number. I reluctantly did and everything seemed okay. Then one day I put the SIM card in a different phone. I did it to see if the LTE speed would be any different, but it could have been any reason like just buying a new phone or replacing one with a cracked screen. As soon as I did that I received a text message telling me that AT&T were suspending my account because they didn't like the phone. There was nothing wrong with the phone, and right now it is happily running just fine on the Fido network with a differnet SIM card of course. I promptly returned the SIM card to the phone it had been working in for the last year, but it still didn't work. I emailed More4LessPlans and got a reply telling me he had checked out the account, reset it, and everything should be fine. I tried again and it was still dead. When I tried emailing again though I got an automated reply saying "email address does not exist".
Then What Happened?
Well I called Capital One to dispute the transaction. That was back in mid-September. The person I spoke with opened the dispute and told me that it could take up to three months for the dispute to complete [though my previous experience with Crapital One was that disputes actually take about six months]. Then recently my card was charged again by More4LessPlans. It seems they didn't really disappear, they just don't have a way to be contacted, nor do they have a way to make my SIM card work again. So I called Capital One back and opened another dispute. This time the person I spoke with told me that I needed to fill out a "card" that would be sent in the mail. If I had not asked I would not have known that my first dispute was also waiting for me to send back some "card"... but they had never sent it to me. Seriously, I opened a dispute and just short of a month later they had not even sent me the paperwork for it. So she sent me both "cards" [and didn't tell me that she was resending the first one when I told her I would rush to check my mailbox to find the one they obviously would have sent a month ago]. What? So here I am, a month later, with no paperwork from Capital One and a deadline for when I need to fill it out and return it to them.
Be aware, this is the much redacted version that does not include the numerous phone calls that happened in between just trying to get Capital One to do anything at all. It doesn't include the plethora of times I had to identify myself over and over and explain my problem over and over to people who just want to soak up my time and not do anything about it. Anyways, Devinder the supervisor says he has escalated my complaint to the Executive Response Committee who will get back to me within five days... and get this, possibly by MAIL. You know, that thing they didn't use to send me the paperwork in the first place! Capital One are clowns. Lazy, incompetent clowns. Even if they just closed both of my disputes tomorrow, gave me the credit, and considered the situation entirely in my favour it would be too late. The bad news is, there are only a handful of credit card corporations, and they all suck. Capital One, we are stuck with each other and I'll just have to shutup and hide the bruises.