SumatraPDF On Wine 2018-08-25
As it turns out, I am not a fan of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Over the years it has grown pretty fat, it consumes far more resources than is necessary, and frankly it just ain't fast. Sure it has fancy box filling and cute password protection, but I have little or no use for that junk. Linux has some alternative PDF readers but I don't much care for them either. So I use SumatraPDF. I even have a cute little NSIS installer I made for it that gives me all my preferred settings. However, when I use SumatraPDF under wine in Linux, I get this by default:
It appears to open the document I want in a tab and then selects the "new tab" instead of the document. I even found a couple people [1] [2] who were experiencing the same problem. Well, here's an easy fix.
Open up a terminal window and run:
wine regedit
Then in the registry editor navigate to:
On the right you'll see a string called "Default" with the following contents:
"C:\Apps\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe" "%1" %*
Remove the " %*" from the end of that string and your Sumatra will stop barfing up the error when loading documents.