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Update: For Sale: Two Crossbows 2016-09-23

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For Sale: Two Crossbows 2016-09-23

Barnett Ghost 350 Crossbow with all accessories: $600 OBO

Barnett® Ghost 350 Crossbow is lightweight, easy to shoot, and 350 F.P.S. FAST. The CRT (Carbon Riser Technology) riser reduces weight at the front, making it easier to shoulder and hold for better accuracy. The Ghost 350 comes complete with CROSSWIRE® strings and Whiplash Cams for a smoother, quieter, more precise shot. Plus, you'll get a 3x32 Scope, three 20" arrows, a rope cocking device and quiver to make this an even better buy.

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SA Ambush 285 Crossbow for sale with all accessories: $300 OBO

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