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Update: Kijiji Facilitates Dog Fighting 2017-09-26

More than three and a half years later and Kijiji's position on pet sales is still offensive. They now have a specific Why Does Kijiji Have a Pets Category? page just to explain why they still insist on allowing douchebags like puppy mills post ads for pets. The only thing they have done to try to keep animal abusers from posting pets for sale is to start charging a fee for pet posts. :-(

Kijiji Facilitates Dog Fighting 2014-01-11

As long as Kijiji continues to allow animals to be listed, people will continue to use it as a service to fuel dog fighting rings. Kijiji (eBay's free-ish little sister) has plenty of messages in its support forums about pet listings... there is a constant parade of bickering between breeders, people who love animals, and Kijiji losers who love the added advertising revenue from pet listings. Here are some of the items that are not allowed to be posted on Kijiji:

Adult or Erotic Products and Services
Alcoholic Beverages
Blood, Bodily Fluids and Body Parts
Car seats manufactured prior to January 1st, 2012
Escort or accompanying services
Government and Transit Uniforms, IDs and Licenses
Health or weight loss products that have not been approved by Health Canada
Fireworks, Destructive Devices and Explosives
Massage Service ads posted by anyone who is not a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) and who is unable to provide insurance receipts for customers
Massage Service ads with full body photographs. Photographs are to be limited to head shots or photographs of the facility; no full body images
Offensive Material
Pesticides Tobacco and Related Items
Tobacco Products or other smoking related items (hookahs, e-cigarettes, herbal blends etc.)
Used Cosmetics

There is also a note stating that

Users must be at least 16 to post ads on their own. Ads for our younger users must be posted by an adult for security reasons.

When I saw this ad it was pretty clear that this was someone looking to get dogs for dog fighting. Here's the content of the ad in case you don't want to click on the link:

My boyfriend and i are looking to take on a new family member. We dont have alot of money to spend as we just recently put down our last pup :( so we were looking for a free puppy. We wanted a medium size dog large enough for me to feel comfortable at home alone with the dog as my boyfriend and I have different work schedules(the company is needed) We love boxers and pitbull mixes, american bulldogs and am staffs. We live in ottawa and preferred if you were driving distance away as we can pick him up. Quebec is ok. As far as Gatineau. Thank you for your time and please dont hesitate to email or text me with details and pictures!! :)

What are the clues that this is someone looking for animals for dog fighting?

So... let me get this straight, "used cosmetics" is enough of a danger to be specifically listed as a forbidden item on Kijiji but they couldn't put animals on the list? Dildos are somehow less acceptable than dog fighting rings collecting pets? Hell if they wanted they could specifically allow livestock but not pets. The battle in their forums has literally been going on for years now and Kijiji has never done a thing about it... why? Because the more classified ads they have, the more classified ads you see. And the more classified ads you see, the more "banner ads" you see. And the more banners you look at - the more money eBay Kijiji makes. Cocks.

100_1978 Marigold thinks you're on crack.

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