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Git Sucks

I occasionally make some content that I figure might be useful to someone else. I figured it would make sense if I had an easy way to make that content easily available to whoever may want it. I also figured that if someone was going to find this crap, they would probably be using a browser. So, I tried a few git web interfaces, and they suck as much as git. So, this is my totally manual, no-commit record pile of crap. You're welcome to use this stuff, just don't hammer my site like an ass.

By the power of greyskull... Git sucks.
Active Stuff


This script (and the accompanying text files) can be used to block specific countries or specific wanker organizations using ipsets. Please have a look at the script before you run it. You can install it like this if you wish:

wget -O /usr/local/bin/wankerblock.sh https://snork.ca/gitsucks/projects/wankerblock/wankerblock.sh.txt

The wankerblock syntax is:

wankerblock.sh <ipv4|ipv6> <setname> <list of what to block>

The script will check to see if the ipset already exists and if it is the same inet family (IPv4 or IPv6) as what you have requested. The setname can be any valid ipset name, but if you do have IPv6 then I would suggest that you append -ipv4 or -ipv6 at the end of each ipset you create to help keep them organized. The list of what to block can be any two-character country code that exists in this github repository or any of the lists I host (see below).

You can now add some wankerblock lines to your firewall script like this:

wankerblock.sh ipv4 smtpblock-ipv4 "ru cn br msazure"
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m set --match-set smtpblock-ipv4 src --match multiport --dports 25,587,993,995 -j DROP

wankerblock.sh ipv6 webblock-ipv6 "docean hetzner"
ip6tables -A INPUT -p tcp -m set --match-set webblock-ipv6 src --match multiport --dports 80,443 -j DROP

The first two lines will block Russia, China, Brazil and Microsoft Azure from your email services while the second will block Digital Ocean and Hetzner from your web sites. Then, to update lists you can rerun the wankerblock.sh lines daily in your crontab like this:

14 3 * * * wankerblock.sh ipv4 smtpblock-ipv4 "ru cn br msazure"
15 3 * * * wankerblock.sh ipv6 webblock-ipv6 "docean hetzner"

In addition to countries, I maintain some lists of specific organizations that seem to be a constant source of garbage traffic. The following names are supported:

wankername organization
alibaba Alibaba
bing MS Bing (IPv4-only)
biterika Biterika
cloudwm CloudWM
leaseweb Leaseweb Netherlands
docean Digital Ocean
m247 m247.ro/m247.com
hetzner Hetzner
msazure Microsoft Azure
serverion Serverion
tencent Tencent
smallwankers My custom list of problem organizations

It is also possible to use wankerblock for whitelisting. For example, if you know that all of your email users are only in Mexico you could use a couple of lines like this:

wankerblock.sh ipv4 smtpusers-ipv4 "mx"
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m set --match-set smtpusers-ipv4 src --match multiport --dports 587,993,995 -j ACCEPT


I like my desktop environment to be boring. The best desktop environment is the one you don't notice. So, I use just Openbox with tint2 to manage my desktop (and xdm as a login manager). Here is a screenshot of how boring it looks.

My boring desktop Click for full size image

I made a little script that sets up my preferred desktop environment for me. To use it, do an install of Devuan GNU/Linux (should also work with Debian) with users named "root" and "user", and only "Standard system utilities" selected. Then login as root and run the script. It is possible to do this quickly by running "wget https://snork.ca/snork-de" followed by "bash snork-de" but you really should inspect the script before running it. The script will install the various parts of X-Windows via apt and will also download a bunch of my personal config files. You should really inspect those as well before running the script. The easiest way to inspect what it does is to download it as a zip file so you can read it before running it.

NOTE: This will give the user named "user" permission to use sudo without providing a password.


I often use LibreWolf as my browser, and I have some addons that I like for it. Unfortunately, browser addons seem to be one of those things that sometimes disappear in great numbers. Browser addons also like to break sometimes, potentially leaving a user in a situation where they can upgrade the addon, or the browser, but not both. Sometimes addons get crappier and users might want to keep an old version. This is a little collection of addons I like, at the version numbers I like. These are available to anyone who finds them useful, but you should probably trust the developers and get them directly from whoever wrote them (if that is still possible). It is important to note that xpinstall.signatures.required must be set to false in about:config to install unsigned addons in Librewolf.

official addon my version my settings
Cookie Autodelete 3.8.2 cookieautodelete.json
JavaScript Toggle On and Off 0.2.4 javascript_toggler-settings.txt
No Emoji 0.1.0 none
Redirector 3.5.3 redirector.json
Stylus 1.5.35 stylus.json
uBlock Origin (native) native adblock.txt


This script is what I use to do a lot of DNS blocking on my network. It is kind of like Pi-Hole but without the Pi and without the Hole. I don't get fancy charts and stuff like Pi-Hole, but I get the DNS blocking. All it needs is a machine on the local network running dnsmasq, which requires very little resources. Examine the script and then save it to your server somewhere. Edit the variables at the top to suit your needs and then cron it to run daily.

Archived Stuff


DNSCrypt is software that can encrypt DNS queries. If you want to encrypt your DNS queries you need a client application like dnscrypt-proxy or dnsproxy. If you want to run your own server you can use the encrypted-dns-server made by the same folks who make the dnscrypt-proxy software or you can use dnscrypt-wrapper made by cofyc. If you using dnscrypt-wrapper, you should rotate the keys on a regular basis (like a couple times daily). This is the script I use to rotate keys on my servers.

Download link (actually just view as text): keyrotate.sh.txt


Sometimes in Chromium I use Neater Bookmarks. This is a little CSS I cobbled together some time ago to make the menus look a little better. You do not need to install anything, just paste this in to the Neater Bookmarks settings.

body {
  width: 640px;
  background: #666666;
#search input {font-size: 16px;}
#search {padding: 0px 1px 1px 1px;}
#tree li {font-size: 16px;}
#tree {padding: 0px 1px 1px 1px;}
#results ul li a, #tree ul li a, #tree ul li span {
  background: #bbbbbb;
  text-shadow: none;
  color: black;
  font-family: monospace;


A long time ago I used Pidgin and made this little customization for the Guifications popup plugin. I'm pretty sure that these install instructions still work:

  1. Confirm you have a working install of Pidgin and Guifications
  2. Close Pidgin
  3. Put background.png and theme.xml in PidginInstallDir.purple\guifications\themes\snorkification
  4. Open Pidgin
  5. Go to Tools -> Plugins and configure Guifications
  6. Enable Snorkification on the themes tab

Note: it appears as though the link above to Guifications is newer and somehow different than what I remember. I'm not convinced this will work on the current version of Guifications but it is free to try right? Here's a screenshot of what it should look like:

Snorkification screenshot Snorkification screenshot.


This is a dark theme for Gogs which is one of the git web interfaces I mentioned at the top of this page. If you want to run Gogs, maybe you'd want to have a dark theme for it. All you have to do is:

  1. Create a custom/templates/inject directory in your Gogs directory
  2. Create and edit custom/templates/inject/head.tmpl, and add
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/gitsucks/css/darkogogs.css">
  1. Remove the /gitsucks part if you are running Gogs at the root of your site
  2. Create custom/public/css directory in your Gogs directory
  3. Put this darkogogs.css in custom/public/css

Here is a screenshot of what it looks like:

darkogogs screenshot Click for full size image.


Minetest is a mining game that was inspired mostly by Minecraft which was inspired by Infiniminer. I was running my own Minetest server version when they released version 5.0. Problem is, there was no compatability between versions, so anyone running the old client was stuck with old servers and anyone who upgraded couldn't connect to old servers. Minetest is specifically an empty game, and you have to decide what your game will be like by adding mods to your empty game. Unfortunately, some of the mods I really liked (especially the gps_compass mod) were never updated to work with v5... so I stayed on v4. In order to connect to my Minetest server you would need this v4 client.

These files can also be downloaded from the developers directly here, I am just keeping my own copy in case those ever disappear.


SQLGrey is an application that can be used to temporarily delay delivery of email messages to a mail server when the sending server is unknown to the receiving server. This can help cut down on spam because spammers will usually not "hold on" to a message and return to deliver it later. sgwi is a php-based web interface that allows a mail administrator to view and manage the SQLGrey database. This project used to live at vanheusden.com/sgwi/ but has disappeared. It can still be accessed here at archive.org using the Wayback Machine. This software is still useful, so I am keeping a copy of it here.

I am calling this release v1.1.8-s1 (the last version at vanheusden.com/sgwi/ was v1.1.8). This has my minor modifications to the CSS file to make it look a little better on modern sized monitors. This requires:

To install:

  1. Download and extract sgwi on your PHP web server (hopefully TLS encrypted)
  2. Edit includes/config.inc.php to point to your existing SQLGrey database
  3. Setup some web-server-specific authentication to limit access to the database


dynu.com offers free dynamic DNS entries which turn names like poopmaster.freeddns.org to IP addresses. There are some client applications you can download, but they seemed like a bit of overkill to me. So I made this very basic script that seems to work:


I sometimes use Roundcube to check my email. It works pretty good, but can be a bit hard on the eyes. So I made this dark theme for it. I named this theme LarryDelong after Randolph Scott's character in the 1954 western Riding Shotgun. Here's a screenshot showing what it looks like:

larrydelong screenshot Click for full size image.

To install it you need to download larrydelong.zip and extract it to the "skins" directory inside your Roundcube installation, then go in to your account and select the new theme. If you are feeling adventurous I guess you can also go in to your config.ini.php file and set it as your default skin too.

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